Welcome Back to Camp!
We are hard at work developing a great program with our leadership team for 2025 and would love to see you there! The program will include plenty of activities, some workshops, talks, worship and time to chill and spend time new and old friends.

We will be running our camp from Monday 13 January until Friday 17 January.
Our pick up and drop off times are currently not firmed up yet, we are open to special consideration if you find you need to drop off earlier or pick up later once these times are solidified.
Age/Grade Range
We will be welcoming highschool (and college students for those in the ACT), between the grades of 7 – 12.
This year we are once again hosted with YWAM Canberra so our location is 76 Federal Highway, Watson ACT who have upgraded their facilities even more since we left last time to provide an even more comfortable camp location.
Leaders and Safety
We will have a group of experienced leaders plus some new ones this year however safety standards are fully in place regarding training and policy per the Safe Ministries Unit the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn or Scripture Union Australia’s safety policies. Our leadership style is one of walking beside the campers with dedicated leaders having a broad range of experiences.
We recognise costs are extremely important to consider to send your child/youth on camp. We would love to chat and provide considerations as needed because more important then the cost is actually see your child/youth on camp with us!
Cost for participants is $400
For any questions please contact camps@synergy.org.au.
To sign up please go to: https://brushfire.com/sua/camp/588822 or click the button below!